It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1


The next category of fats that encourage
optimal health are saturated fatty acids
(SFAs). Yes, you heard us right! Wrap your
heads around it, folks, because this
information is here to stay.

The saturated   fats    found   in  real    food    make
you healthier.

As you’ll learn in this section, saturated
fat from high-quality, real-food sources is not
evil incarnate—it’s just misunderstood. So
let’s do some saturated-fat myth-busting,
shall we? Don’t worry, we’ll start you off

Sat-Fat Myth #1: Fast-food hamburgers are
unhealthy because they contain so much
saturated fat.

There   are a   lot of  reasons that    fast-food
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