It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

yourself a long-overdue, well-deserved break
from your preoccupation with body weight.
You deserve it.

However, because we know weight loss is
important to you—and because we get that
there’s a connection between a more pleasing
physique and motivation to maintain your
new, healthy habits—we’re going to let you in
on a secret: Our nutrition plan will improve
your overall health, and that is almost always
reflected in an improvement in body
composition. Which means that if you focus
on eating better, sleeping better, and making
yourself healthier ... your shape will have no
choice but to shift. Yes, automatically. But it
doesn’t work the other way around.

You can achieve short-term weight loss by
taking some drastic steps (like eating a super
low calorie diet plus doing two hours of
cardio a day), but that’s not going to make
you healthier, nor is it sustainable long term.
So trust us, and be patient. We’ll get you there

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