It Starts With Food: Discover the Whole30 and Change Your Life in Unexpected Ways

(Grace) #1

Day 1: Evaluate dairy, while keeping the
rest of your diet Whole30-compliant. Have
yogurt in the morning, some cheese in the
afternoon, and ice cream after dinner.
Evaluate how you feel that day, and the next
day, and perhaps even the day after that.
Stomach feel like you’re about to birth an
alien? Suddenly feeling all congested and
headachy? Skin break out in the next day or
two? You may need to limit your dairy
consumption to very small quantities or only
certain items (yogurt, but not ice cream)
during “off plan” meals, or you may decide
that the aftereffects mean that all dairy is
simply never worth it.

Day 4: Evaluate gluten-containing grains,
while keeping the rest of your diet Whole30-
compliant. Gluten is such nasty stuff that we
want to break it out from the other grains, so
you can evaluate it all by itself. Over the
course of your day, eat a whole-wheat bagel, a
side of pasta, and a dinner roll. See how you

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