When outnumbered, fall back.
You may very well find yourself stuck in a
battle that you just can’t win. It’s a family
dinner, and you’re being hammered with
questions, skepticism, and outright criticism.
So take a deep breath, smile, and simply fall
back. In the end, the only person’s health and
wellness you are responsible for is yours. And
while it may pain you to witness the unhealthy
behaviors of your friends and family, they are,
ultimately, responsible for their own lives,
and their own choices.
So rather than spark a bitter feud and ruin
a family gathering, swallow your ego and your
frustration and simply say, “Well, this is
actually working really well for me right now,
but I do appreciate your thoughts. Now let’s
get back to enjoying this delicious meal!”
Sometimes, that’s all you can do ... and that’s
OK. Refer back to our first point: If people are
open to change, they will eventually come to