Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


reports rhizome permitted for oral use. No contraindications or interactions. Adverse effects: rarely
gastric complaints, nausea, queasiness (AEH; KOM; PHR; PH2). Ruscogenins and neoruscogenins,
similar to diosgenin, are responsible for decreasing inflammation and vascular permeability (SKY).
Saponins are antiaggregant, antiinflammatory, capillarifortificant, and diuretic (PED).

(Petasites hybridus (L.) P. Gaertn. et al. and P. officinalis Moench) +

Synonym — Tussilago hybrida L.

Activities (Butterbur) — Analgesic (1; BIS; HH2; PH2; SHT); Antiinflammatory (1; IJI1; SHT);
Antileukotriene (1; IJI1; PH2; SHT); Antilithic (2; KOM; SHT); Antimigraine (1; IJI1); Antispas-
modic (2; KOM; PHR; PH2; SHT); Antiulcer (1; HH2); Aperitif (f; PH2); Aquaretic (f; SHT);
Carcinogenic (1; PHR; PH2); Cardiotonic (f; GMH); Cytoprotective (f; PH2); Diaphoretic (f;
MAD); Diuretic (f; GMH; MAD; PHR; PNC); Dysuria (2; KOM); Emmenagogue (f; MAD);
Hepatotoxic (1; PHR; PH2); Mutagenic (1; PHR; PH2); Sedative (f; BIS); Stimulant (f; PNC);
Teratogenic (1; PHR; PH2); Tonic (f; PNC); Vermifuge (f; MAD).

Indications (Butterbur) — Adenopathy (f; JLH); Agitation (f; PH2); Anorexia (f; PHR; PH2);
Asthma (f; MAD; PHR; PH2); Backache (f; GMH); Bladder Stone (2; PHR; PH2); Bronchosis (f;
PHR; PH2); Cancer (f; JLH); Cholecystosis (f; PHR; PH2); Cold (f; GMH); Colic (f; PHR; PH2;
SHT); Cough (f; MAD; PHR; PH2); Cramp (1; KOM; PHR; PH2; SHT); Dysmenorrhea (f; BIS);
Dyspnea (f; GMH); Dysuria (f; GMH; MAD; SHT); Enterosis (f; BIS; PHR; PH2); Fever (f; GMH;
MAD); Gastrosis (f; PHR; PH2); Headache (f; PHR; PH2); Hepatosis (f; PHR; PH2); Hoarseness
(f; MAD); Inflammation (1; IJI1; SHT); Insomnia (f; BIS; PH2); Kidney Stone (2; PHR; PH2);
Migraine (1; IJI1; PH2); Nervousness (f; BIS); Neuralgia (f; GMH); Pain (2; BIS; HH2; KOM;
PHR; PH2; SHT); Pancreatosis (f; PHR; PH2); Pertussis (f; PHR; PH2); Plague (f; GMH); Psychas-
thenia (2; HH2); Respirosis (f; PH2); Sore (f; GMH; PHR; PH2); Sore Throat (f; MAD); Stone (2;
PHR; PH2; SHT); Stress (f; PH2); Ulcer (1; HH2); Uterosis (f; MAD); UTI (f; PHR; PH2; SHT);
Water Retention (f; GMH; MAD; PHR; PNC); Worm (f; GMH; MAD); Wound (f; PHR; PH2).

Dosages (Butterbur) — 4.5–7 g/day dry herb (KOM; PH2; SHT); 1.2–2 g powdered herb/cup
water, 2–3 ×/day (HH2; PH2). “Teas should not be used” (PH2).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Butterbur) — Contains pyrrolizidine alka-
loids (PAs). Not recommended due to PAs and sesquiterpene lactones (PNC). Daily dose should
not exceed 1 μg PAs; do not dose more than 4–6 weeks a year (SHT). Botanically similar to
Tussilago farfara. Adequate data about PA content not available. PAs are toxic to humans, with
liver damage with cirrhosis and ascites, or seneciosis, or veno-occlusive disease (VOD) reported
in almost all cases of severe or fatal intoxications, from intakes of 0.5–3.3 mg/kg (AEH). Com-
mission E reports all plant parts contain hepatotoxic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic PAs. Contrain-
dicated in pregnancy and lactation (AEH). Gruenwald (PHR) makes the following contradictory
statements, back-to-back, first his template, “No health hazards or side effects are known in
conjunction with the proper administration of designated therapeutic dosages.” Then, the conflicting
statement, “One should entirely forgo any administration of the drug, due to the presence of
pyrrolizidine alkaloids with hepatotoxic and carcinogenic effects in the parts of the plant above
ground, as even mere traces of the alkaloids present a danger” (PHR).

Extracts (Butterbur) — Ethanolic extract antispasmodic IC50 = 1.7 mg/ml (very weak cf atropine
1/1,000,000th of papaverine 1/1000th). LD50 dry drug 870 mg/kg ivn guinea pig, tincture 1250
mg/kg (HH2), LD50 root extract 2500 orl guinea pig (HH2), LD50 root extract 60 mg/kg ivn
guinea pig (HH2).

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