Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


KOM, PIP); Diaphoretic (1; MAB); Digestive (1; WAM); Emetic (f; WHO); Emmenagogue (f; WHO);
Expectorant (f; CRC); Fungicide (1; APA; PNC; SHT); Gastroprotective (f; PH2); Hepatoregenerative
(1; CAN; MAB); Hypnotic (1; BGB); Hypotensive (1; CAN); Hypouremic (1; CAN); Immunostimulant
(1; APA; CAN); Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor (1; SHT; WHO); MAOI (1; PH2); Musculotropic (2; KOM,
PIP); Myorelaxant (1; APA; CAN; SKY); Nervine (1; PED; WAM); Radioprotective (1; WHO);
Respiradepressant (1; CAN); Sedative (1; CAN; MAB); Serotoninergic (1; CAN); Stimulant (f; CRC);
Tonic (f; CRC); Vulnerary (2; KOM; PIP; WHO).

Indications (Chamomile) — Acne (1; MAB); Aegilops (f; JLH); Allergy (1; APA; CAN; WAM);
Alzheimer’s (1; COX; FNF); Amenorrhea (1; FEL; MAB); Anorexia (2; PHR); Anxiety (1; APA;
MAB); Aposteme (f; CRC; JLH); Arthrosis (1; APA; COX; FAD; FNF); Bacteria (2; CRC; JBU;
KOM; SHT); Bite (2; CRC; WHO); Bloating (f; WHO); Bronchosis (2; KOM; PHR); Bruise (2;
CRC; WHO); Bunion (1; FNF); Burn (2; PHR; PNC); Cancer (1; COX; FAD); Cancer, breast (1;
COX; CRC; JLH); Cancer, colon (1; COX; CRC; JLH); Cancer, liver (1; COX; JLH); Cancer,
mouth (1; COX; JLH); Cancer, skin (1; COX; PH2); Cancer, stomach (1; COX; CRC; JLH); Candida
(1; APA; MAB; PH2; SHT); Canker (1; CRC; SKY); Catarrh (f; CAN; FEL; HHB; MAB);
Cholecystosis (2; PHR); Cold (2; FEL; PHR; WHO); Colic (1; CRC; FEL; MAB; SHT); Colitis
(2; KOM); Conjunctivosis (f; FEL); Convulsion (f; CRC; FEL; PNC); Cough (2; PHR); Cramp (2;
APA; JNU; KOM, WAM); Croup (f; CRC); Cystosis (f; CRC); Decubitis (2; SHT); Dention (f;
FEL); Depression (1; PH2); Dermatosis (2; KOM, SHT; WOI); Diarrhea (1; CAN; FEL; MAB;
WHO); Diphtheria (f; CRC); Dysmenorrhea (1; CRC; MAB); Dyspepsia (2; APA; CAN; WHO);
Eczema (1; APA; SHT; WHO); Edema (1; SHT); Enterosis (1; APA; FEL; PIP; WHO); Epigastrosis
(2; WHO); Erythema (1; MAB); Fever (2; APA; MAB; PHR; PIP); Flu (1; FAD); Frostbite (2;
WHO); Fungus (1; APA; PNC; SHT); Gas (2; FEL; HHB; MAB; SHT; WHO); Gastroenterosis (f;
SHT); Gastrosis (2; SHT; WHO); Gingivosis (2; KOM, SHT; WHO); Gout (1; COX; CRC; PNC);
Heartburn (f; SKY); Hemorrhoid (2; APA; CAN; WHO); Hepatosis (2; FEL; HHB; PHR); Herpes
(1; CAN); High Blood Pressure (1; CAN); Hyperacidity (f; CRC); Hysteria (f; CRC; FEL); IBS
(SKY); Immunodepression (1; APA; CAN); Induration (f; JLH); Infection (1; APA; CAN; JBU;
PNC; SHT); Inflammation (2; APA; CRC; FEL; KOM, WAM; WHO); Insomnia (2; CAN; CRC;
MAB; SKY; WHO); Leukorrhea (1; FEL; MAB); Lumbago (f; CRC); Mastosis (1; CAN; FEL;
HHB; PNC); Motion Sickness (1; MAB); Mucososis (2; CAN; KOM; PIP); Mycosis (1; APA;
FNF; PNC; SHT); Nausea (1; WAM); Nervousness (1; CAN; MAB); Neuralgia (f; FEL); Neuro-
dermatosis (1; BGB); Neurosis (2; WHO); Oligolactea (f; FEL); Ophthalmia (f; CRC); Otosis (1;
FEL; PNC); Pain (1; CAN; COX; FEL; MAB; PNC); Parapyloric Ulcer (1; SHT); Pharyngosis (2;
PHR); Pregnancy (f; MAB); Proctosis (1; KOM; PHR); Pulpitis (f; PHR); Radiation (1; WHO);
Respirosis (2; PIP; WHO); Rheumatism (1; COX; FEL; HHB); Salmonella (1; CRC); Sciatica (1;
FAD); Scirrhus (f; JLH); Sore (1; MAB; SKY); Sore Throat (f; CRC); Staphylococcus (1; CRC;
PH2); Stomatosis (2; KOM, PIP; WHO); Stress (f; APA); Sunburn (1; PNC); Swelling (1; HHB;
PNC); Toothache (1; PNC); Ulcer (1; APA; CAN; JNU; MAB; SHT); UTI (f; WHO); Vaginosis
(1; APA); Virus (1; CAN); Yeast (1; APA; FNF; MAB; PH2; SHT); Wound (2; PHR).

Dosages (Chamomile) — 2–4 tbsp fresh flower (PED); 3–6 g dry flower (PED); 4.5 g dry
flower:22 ml alcohol/23 ml water (PED); 2–8 g flower (PNC); 2–8 g flower 3 ×/day (WHO);
2–8 g flower as tea 3 ×/day (CAN); 2–3 tsp flower/cup water; 0.5–1 tsp tincture to 3 ×/day
(APA); 1–5 g several ×/day (HHB); 2–4 g 3 ×/day (MAB); 2–3 g per cup 3–4 ×/day; 10–40
drops tincture 3 ×/day (SF); 4–6 ml tincture 3 ×/day between meals (SKY); 7–14 ml tincture
(1:5)/day (MAB); 1–4 ml liquid extract (1:1 in 45% ethanol) 3 ×/day (CAN); 3–6 ml/day liquid
extract (1:2) (MAB); 1–4 ml, 1:1 fluid extract, 3 ×/day (WHO); 0.5–4 ml liquid floral extract
(PNC); 2–3 (350 mg) capsules 3 ×/day (NH).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Chamomile) — Class 1, 2b (AHP; CAN;
KOM). No contraindications, drug interactions, or side effects known (KOM). None reported (PIP).

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