Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


COCONUT (Cocos nucifera L.) +++

Activities (Coconut) — Anthelmintic (f; DAD; MPI); Antibacterial (f; DAD); Antiblennorrhagic
(f; DAD); Antibronchitic (f; DAD); Antidotal (f; DAD); Antigingivitic (f; DAD); Antipyretic (f;
DAD; JFM); Antiseptic (1; DAD; MPI); Antitumor (1; PH2); Aperient (f; DAD; EFS); Aphrodisiac
(f; DAD); Astringent (f; DAD; JFM); Candidicide (1; MPI); Depurative (f; DAD); Diuretic (1;
DAD; MPI); Emollient (f; JFM); Fungicide (1; MPI); Hemostat (f; DAD); Immunomodulator (1;
PH2); Lactagogue (f; DAV); Laxative (f; DAD); Pectoral (f; JFM); Pediculicide (f; DAD); Sto-
machic (f; DAD); Suppurative (f; DAD); Tonic (f; JFM); Vermifuge (f; DAD).
Indications (Coconut) — Abscess (f; DAD); Alactea (f; DAV); Alopecia (f; DAD); Amenorrhea
(f; DAD); Asthma (f; DAD; DAV); Bacteria (f; DAD); Bleeding (f; DAD); Blennorrhagia (f; DAD);
Bronchosis (f; DAD; PH2); Bruise (f; DAD); Burn (f; DAD); Cachexia (f; DAD); Calculus (f;
DAD); Cancer (1; JLH; PH2); Cancer, breast (1; DAV); Candida (1; JFM; MPI); Caries (f; WO2);
Childbirth (f; DAV); Cold (f; DAD; PH2); Constipation (f; DAD); Cough (f; DAD; PH2); Debility
(f; DAD); Dermatosis (f; DAD; PH2); Diabetes (f; IED); Dropsy (f; DAD); Dysentery (f; DAD;
SKJ); Dysmenorrhea (f; DAD); Dysuria (f; SKJ; WO2); Erysipelas (f; DAD); Fever (f; DAD; JFM;
SKJ); Flu (f; DAD); Fungus (1; MPI); Gingivosis (f; DAD); Gonorrhea (f; DAD); Gray Hair (f;
PH2); Headache (f; IED); Hematemesis (f; DAD); Hemoptysis (f; DAD); Hepatosis (f; SKJ); High
Blood Pressure (f; IED); Impotence (f; DAD); Infection (1; MPI); Inflammation (f; PH2); Jaundice
(f; DAD); Mastosis (f; JFM); Menorrhagia (f; DAD); Miscarriage (f; DAV); Mycosis (1; MPI);
Nausea (f; DAD; IED); Otosis (f; DAD); Parasite (f; IED); Pharyngosis (f; PH2); Phthisis (f; DAD);
Pregnancy (f; DAD); Rash (f; DAD); Scabies (f; DAD); Scurvy (f; DAD); Sore (f; PH2); Sore
Throat (f; DAD; PH2); Stomach (f; DAD); Swelling (f; DAD); Syphilis (f; DAD); Toothache (f;
DAD; JFM); Tuberculosis (1; DAD; MPI); Tumor (1; DAD; PH2); Typhoid (f; DAD); VD (f;
DAD); Uterosis (f; SKJ); VD (f; JFM); Vomiting (f; SKJ); Water Retention (1; DAD; MPI); Worm
(f; DAD; IED); Wound (f; DAD); Yeast (1; JFM; MPI).
Dosages (Coconut) — Food farmacy (JAD). Four spoons of ginger in coconut water is an emme-
nagogue (JFM).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Coconut) — Not covered (AHP). None
listed (PH2). “Health hazards not known when used as a food” (PH2). Coconut meat is hard to
digest and may cause dyspepsia. The emmenagogue reports, sketchy though they are, may indicate
caution among pregnant women (JAD). Extracts of the shell fibers showed NO antimicrobial
activities (MPI).
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