Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


Indications (Ginger Bush) — Ague (1; WBB); Bacteria (1; ZUL); Boil (f; ZUL); Cough (f; ZUL);
Cramp (1; VVG; ZUL); Dengue (f; ZUL); Diarrhea (f; ZUL); Dropsy (f; VVG; ZUL); Fever (f;
ZUL); Flu (f; VVG); Fungus (1; ZUL); Hemoptysis (f; ZUL); Infection (1; ZUL); Malaria (1;
WBB); Mumps (f; ZUL); Mycosis (1; ZUL); Nervousness (f; ZUL); Sore Throat (1; VVG);
Tuberculosis (1; ZUL); Vaginosis (1; ZUL).
Dosages (Ginger Bush) — Doses should not exceed 1 tbsp. per day (ZUL).
Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (Ginger Bush) — Leaf infusions may produce
drowsiness and stop ague. Strong teas should not be taken for more than 4 days. Should not be
administered to children. There are two cases of suspected human poisoning from intentional
overdoses of hot water extracts. Severe toxic inflammatory reactions of mucous membranes, leading
to necrosis and sloughing, and profuse salivation ensued. Anuria developed after 24 hours and was
fatal in one case (ZUL).

(Ginkgo biloba L.) + (Downgraded for safety)

Activities (Ginkgo) — Antiaggregant (2; BGB; KOM; MAB; PH2; SHT; WHO); Antiallergic (1;
PNC); Antialzheimeran (2; COX; JAM); Antianaphylactic (1; PNC); Antiarrhythmic (1; MAB);
Antiarthritic (1; COX; FNF); Antiasthmatic (1; AKT; PNC); Anticancer (1; COX; FNF); Anticap-
illary Fragility (1; BGB; PH2; WHO); Anticonvulsant (1; MAB); Antidementic (1; PH2); Antide-
pressant (1; AKT); Antiedemic (1; KOM; PHR; WHO); Antiinflammatory (1; PH2; WHO); Anti-
ischemic (1; FT69:195; FNF; WHO); Antimastocytotic (1; MAB); Antioxidant (2; KOM; MAB;
PH2; WAM); Antiseptic (1; MAB); Antispasmodic (f; PH2); Antitussive (f; DAA); Anxiogenic (1;
MAB); Anxiolytic (1; MAB); Astringent (1; AKT); Bronchodilator (1; PH2; PNC); Cardioprotective
(1; MAB); Cerebrostimulant (1; PNC; SHT; WAM); Cholinergic (1; KOM; SHT); Circulostimulant
(1; MAB; PNC; SHT); Convulsant (1; MAB); Hypolipidemic (1; MAB); MAOI (1; MAB); Mem-
origenic (1; AKT; PAM; PH2; WAM); Neurogenic (f; SKY); Neuroprotective (2; KOM; MAB;
SKY); Nootropic (1; BGB; MAB); Peripheral Stimulant (FT69:195); cGMP-Phosphodiesterase
Inhibitor (1; WHO); Radioprotective (1; AKT); Thrombolytic (1; MAB); Vasodilator (1; APA;
KOM; PED); Vasoprotective (1; BGB); Vermifuge (1; WHO).
Indications (Ginkgo) — Acrocyanosis (1; BGB; WHO); Allergy (1; MAB; PNC; WAM); Alopecia
(1; MAB); Altitude Sickness (2; BGB; KOM; MAB; SHT; WAM; WHO); Alzheimer’s (2; COX;
KOM; JAM; MAB; PH2; SHT); Anaphylaxis (1; PNC); Angina (f; FAY; PH2); Anxiety (1; MAB);
Arrhythmia (1; MAB); Arthrosis (1; COX; FNF; WHO); Asthma (1; AKT; APA; CAN; FAY; MAB;
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