Handbook of Medicinal Herbs

(Nandana) #1


(2; PHR; PH2); Strain (f; PH2); Streptococcus (1; HH2); Swelling (f; HH2); Tension (f; PH2);
Tuberculosis (f; HH2; PHR; PH2); Tumor (f; JLH); Water Retention (f; EFS); Yeast (1; HH2).

Dosages (White Spruce) — 5–6 g shoots/day (KOM; PIP); 200–300 g shoots/bathtub (KOM;
PIP); 4 drops oil 3 ×/day (PH2); add a few drops oil to hot water and inhale (PH2).

Contraindications, Interactions, and Side Effects (White Spruce) — Not covered (AHP). None
indicated for the shoots (KOM; PIP). Commission E reports contraindications for EO: bronchial
asthma, whooping cough; adverse effects: local irritation, exacerbation of bronchospasms (AEH;
KOM). Patients with extensive skin breaks, acute dermatosis, cardiac insufficiency, fevers, hyper-
tonia, or infectious diseases should not use these as bath additives (PHR).

WHITE WILLOW (Salix alba L.) ++

Synonyms: S. alba f. chermesina (Hartig) Rehder, S. alba var. britzensis Späth.

Activities (White Willow) — Analgesic (2; KOM; PIP; PH2; WAM); Anaphrodisiac (f; MAD);
Antihydrotic (f; CAN); Antiinflammatory (2; KOM; PH2; PIP; WAM); Antiprostaglandin (1; BGB);
Antipyretic (2; FNF; KOM; PIP; PH2; WAM); Antirheumatic (1; CAN; FAD); Antiseptic (CAN);
Astringent (1; APA; FAD; PED; PH2); Bitter (1; FAD; PED); Contraceptive (f; MAD); Keratolytic
(1; FNF); Sedative (f; MAD); Tonic (f; BIB).

Indications (White Willow) — Ankylosing Spondylitis (1; CAN); Arthrosis (1; APA; FAD; MAD;
SKY); Bursitis (f; SKY); Callus (f; BIB; JLH); Cancer (f; BIB; FAD; JLH); Candida (f; BIB);
Cardiopathy (1; FAD); Catarrh (1; CAN); Cataract (1; FAD); Cold (1; APA); Colic (f; MAD); Corn
(1; BIB; FAD; MAD); Debility (f; BIB); Dermatosis (1; FAD; MAD); Diabetes (f; MAD); Diarrhea
(1; APA; BIB; FAD; MAD); Dysentery (f; BIB); Dysmenorrhea (f; BIB; MAD); Dyspepsia (f;
BIB; FEL; MAD); Earache (1; MAD; PED); Encephalosis (f; MAD); Enterosis (f; DEM); Fever
(2; APA; FAD; FNF; KOM; MAD; PH2; PIP; WAM); Flu (1; BIB; FNF); Fungus (1; CEB); Gout
(1; APA; MAD; PNC); Headache (1; BGB; PH2; PIP; WAM); Hemoptysis (f; BIB; MAD; WOI);
Hoarseness (f; DEM); Infection (1; APA); Inflammation (2; APA; KOM; PH2; PIP; WAM); Influ-
enza (1; CAN); Insomnia (f; MAD); Malaria (f; BIB; DEP; FEL); Myosis (1; APA; CAN);
Nervousness (f; MAD); Neurasthenia (f; MAD); Neuropathy (f; MAD); Obesity (f; APA); Osteoar-
throsis (1; SKY); Pain (2; KOM; PHR; PH2; PIP; PNC; WAM); Pertussis (f; MAD); Poison Ivy

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