Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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identification. A link is established: a) external object, b) sense organ,
c) mind.

  1. Mind (as it always does) relays this information to the egoic self.
    The links of the chain are now a) + b) + c) + d) ego.

  2. Quick as a flash, ego and mind go into a huddle, and memory,
    which is contained in mind, is brought into play. A question is auto­
    matically put to memory, "Does the act of eating vanilla ice cream re­
    sult in pleasure or pain?"

  3. Without hesitation memory replies, "Pleasure."

  4. Ego says "OK, give it to me." And mind coordinates the hand
    (organ of action) movements necessary to take the tub off the shelf,
    open it, and find a spoon. The rest is history.

Let us now go back to stage 4 and see if any other outcome might
have been possible and, if so, how.

Sa) Mind and ego are vaguely aware of a sort of static buzz in the
background of consciousness, as if someone were trying to get their at­
tention. This makes them uneasy, so they turn round (away from the
open fridge) and see intelligence jumping up and down. "May I ask
memory a question?" it asks.
6a) Mind and self shuffle their feet, sensing trouble, but finally
reply, "We'd rather you didn't, but if you insist we cannot deny you a
7a) "Thank you," says intelligence. "Memory, please tell me what
happens when you eat ice cream, night after night? What are the con­
8a) Memory has a truthful nature though on occasion it can make
mistakes. Memory replies, "You put on a lot of weight, can't fit into
your new trousers, have sinusitis, and your arthritis flares up." Left to
itself, memory from past acquired taste will make tht· mistakt· of
saying, "Go ahead-eat, enjoy." It is the intervention of in!l·lli�-:clll"l'

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