Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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Cleanliness and contentment are bound together. As we shall see, they
are the first two ethical injunctions of niyama concerning our behavior
toward ourselves. As yoga practice cleans the system and rests the
nerves, clarity, contentment, and serenity establish themselves. Con­
tentment means the thought waves in the lake of consciousness are less
turbulent. You are starting to bring about Patanjali's statement, "Yoga
is about stilling the turbulence of consciousness."
Someone who is clouded, toxic, sluggish, discontented (blaming
others is a prime cause of discontent), and restive in mind is never
going to catch a secondary wave coming to the surface. It will have
expressed itself in action before they even notice it. It is through the
acute awareness and speed of action that we cultivate in asana and
pranayama that we can reform ourselves. In addition, by breathing be­
fore acting, we are able to slow down our responses, inhale divinity,
and surrender ego in our exhalation. This momentary pause allows us
the time for cognitive reflection, corrective reaction, and reappraisal.
It is the momentary pause in the process of cause and effect that allows
us to begin the process of freedom.
The endless process is breath, cognitive reflection, corrective reac­
tion, reappraisal, and action. Eventually this process blends together in
such a manner that we discover we have pulled ourselves into the pre­
sent moment, no past, no future, but action and right perception sol­
dered together in a peerless moment, and then another moment and
another. Eventually, we are no longer caught up in the movement of
time as a sequence or current sweeping us along, but we experience it

. as a series of discrete and present moments. No rising thought wave
can escape the sharpness of such vision. It is what we call presence of
mind. Great sportsmen possess it at the level of the body's intelligence.
They seem to have so much more time to act than other players. It is
as if the game slows down around them, and they can dominate it as
they please.
Asana and pranayama teach us how unsolicited thought throws us

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