Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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part of a Universal Intelligence. As we learn to attune ourselves like
an antenna to this natural intelligence around us, we gain not just
clarity of thought but also wisdom in life. We are able to develop ever
greater access to this wisdom as we learn to develop right perception.
We are also much more likely to perceive this wisdom as we learn to
transform the dull, distracted, or oscillating mind into an attentive and
restrained yogic mind.

The Five Qualities of Mind (Bhumis)
In order to make us more aware of consciousness as an ocean with
wave patterns constantly moving across it, yoga has highlighted five
calibers or qualities of mind that correspond to the five modifications
we have been discussing. They include a dull state, a distracted monkey
mind, an alternating or oscillating mind, a single-pointed attentive
mind, and finally the highest stage, the restrained consciousness that is
experienced in the timeless state of absorption we call samadhi.
These calibers of consciousness are aids to self-observation and
self-knowledge, not accusations of mental debility. There is a popular
misconception that yoga is only for those who have power of concen­
tration. But all of us are not so endowed. Yoga can be practiced by
anyone, whatever one's state of mind or health. It is through practice
that the scattered mind is brought to a focal point (knee, chest, etc.).
This is a training regimen that moves us toward direct perception.
Humor helps people move from fragmentation to wholeness too. It
lightens the mind and makes it easier to guide and focus. A stable mind
is like the hub of a wheel. The world may spin around you, but the
mind is steady.
Humorists are very observant of fluctuating consciousness. Their
subject matter is frequently dull or silly people, or those with wan­
dering minds, constantly making illogical jumps and associations. l lu­
morists cleverly show how ridiculous this is. And all till' t inw t hl'

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