and awareness have merged and aligned themselves with the light
emitted by the soul. We say intelligence has insight. We should com
plement that by saying that the soul has "outsight;" it is a beacon
shining out. As I said at the beginning of the book, during the Inward
Journey, as our Will goes inward our Soul comes outward to meet us.
I have talked a lot on freedom, from various angles. Something we
all associate with freedom is space. Americans refer nostalgically to the
space and freedom of the Old West. Space is freedom, and we create,
like a big bang, space within by the practice of asana and pranayama.
A dark space is unknown and unknowing (avidya). But when the
power of energy and the power of awareness combine, there is a flash
of lightning that banishes darkness. It is by the exercise of our drive to
ward consciousness that we witness this. It is a subjective revelation as
no one else can witness it, or corroborate it, but is it not also true that
if you have a toothache, no one else can feel it, yet no authority on
earth can convince you that your tooth does not hurt?
We use the phrase "the inward journey" a lot throughout this
book. Now we find ourselves in a realm where the inner is visibly
trying to get out, to express itself. The space we create is such that the
source body, the innermost, can begin to radiate out. If your practice
remains only at the physical level, the space essential to liberate the
inner will be missing. The realization that each cell has its own intelli
gence through which to realize its brief existence will never come. You
will remain locked in the dark density of matter, when what you are
seeking is for that inner light to irradiate space. It is a shame to prac
tice yoga so much and to this level, yet still remain encumbered with
ego. One should be natural, like a happy, confident child. The soul
seeks nothing more than to expand to fill our whole being. But still we
maintain an internal cringe, a sense of unworthiness, which often we
mask by a projection of an arrogant, false personality. This is just Olll'
of the inherent flaws that exist equally in intelligence.
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