Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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Arjuna follows the path of dharma, of the science of religious duty, and
so reconciles what is on the human and material level, irreconcilable.
In my own youth, it seemed impossible to be accepted by my students
and by my family. But by persevering on the yogic path, I attained a
level at which I am not only accepted but even now honored by my stu­
dents and my family. This would have been impossible without the
evolution that yoga provided.
In one instance, my trouble quickly turned into a great blessing.
Because I was teaching so many women's and girls' classes, it was gen­
erally assumed I was guilty of immorality. I even had a row with my
guru over this painfully false accusation. But it made me decide to
marry even though I was in no financial position to do so, and I should
say that my marriage to Ramamani was my greatest blessing. So it is
by facing up to adversity and suffering, and accepting it as a necessary
means, that our anxieties are resolved and disappear. If we are loyal to
the path we are on, our lives will get better, and the light of distant per­
fection will come to illuminate our journeys.

Perfecting: Always Be Happy
with the Smallest Improvement
Let the goal be to reach Perfection, but be content with a little progress
toward perfection every day. Overambition can be destructive of sus­
tainable progress. Perfection is ultimately only with God. So what is
the value of perfection if it can be found only in God? We are creatures
who can dream of perfection, and it is this dream that inspires one to
improve. It is this dream that ignites the effort needed to transform.
Perfection creates interest in art and life. The instinct that draws us to­
ward the dream of perfection is really a desire for God.
Sometimes our body is willing, but our mind is weak and says,
"We don't have time," or "Forget it, it's not worth all the effort."
Sometimes it is our mind that is willing, but our body is weak and says,

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