Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom

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to the floor. Our body does not want to open itself in the way we see
in a perfectly expressed asana. So we apply ourselves and learn the
adjustments that will cause the whole body to open. We extend and
redress our arm, lengthen the chest, and open the pelvis. But we also,
in the process of applied learning, open our mind and intelligence. An
opening is like a doorway, and there is no such thing as a doorway
that you can only go through one way. Yes, we are trying to penetrate
in, but what is trying to come out to meet us? It is the light of the in­
nermost sheath of bliss (ananda), which wants to shine out. Normally
we are like a shuttered lantern; our light within invisible. As we
create opening, this draws back the shutter, and the light of the lamp
shines out.
In this regard, we should also consider how the heart of nature
(prakrti) is also willing to help us. The very life force of nature is an
initiating power (prerana), a driving force, an incitement to creation.
It hears our call and responds to it in proportion to the valor and de­
termined intent with which it is invoked. It responds to the exercise of
our willpower, so that an intense aspirant will receive higher benefits
than a mild one. There is a saying that "God helps those who help
themselves." This is also true of nature.
When you do the asana correctly, the Self opens by itself; this is di­
vine yoga. Here the Self is doing the asana, not the body or brain. The
Self involves each and every pore of the skin. It is when the rivers of
the mind and the body get submerged in the sea of the core that the
spiritual discipline commences. There is no special spiritual discipline.
When there is passivity, pensiveness, and tranquility of body and mind,
do not stick there, but proceed. Here the spiritual experience in yoga
commences. No doubt, one may say reading holy books is spiritual
practice. But what I teach is spiritual practice in action. As I said at the
beginning of this chapter, I use the body to discipline the mind and to
reach the soul. Asanas, when done with the right intention, will help
to transform an individual by taking the person away from an aware-

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