- Step-by-step instructions for operating a microwave oven provide an exam-
ple of
a. a heuristic approach
b. a means-end analysis
c. an algorithm
d. an insight analysis - Let’s say you figure out the square root of 12 without a formula. Instead, you
rely on your understanding of the concept of a square root. What kind of a
problem-solving approach are you using?
a. An algorithm
b. A heuristic approach
c. A means-end analysis
d. An operant reflection - Which of the following correctly defines a mental set?
a. A conscious conditioned reflex
b. An unconscious wish
c. A subconscious determining tendency
d. A false negative - What exists when there is a need to use a tool or familiar object in a novel way
and one can’t perceive the novel way?
a. Cognitive slippage
b. Mental facilitation
c. Functional fixedness
d. Transformational perception - What kind of reasoning is characterized by making observations and gathering
information until a general conclusion is reached?
a. Inductive reasoning
b. Deductive reasoning
c. If-then reasoning
d. Relational reasoning - Deductive reasoning is reasoning in which
a. a premise follows from a conclusion
b. a premise follows from a hyperpremise
c. a conclusion follows from a metaconclusion
d. a conclusion follows from a premise - What is the core feature of the creative process?
a. Convergent thinking
b. Divergent thinking
c. Congruent thinking
d. Reliable facts