Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
that what the subject says he or she perceives the blots to be are in fact reflections
of unconscious motives. The subject is “projecting” the unconscious on the
inkblots. The fact that the inkblots are ambiguous stimuli,stimuli that can be
perceived in two or more ways, suggests that whatever structure is given to the
blots is provided by the subject.
The Rorschach test is able to measure such aspects of personality as
introversion-extraversion, repressed motives, emotional stability, creativity, and
even, to some extent, intelligence. A substantial amount of clinical data suggests
that in fact the test cantell quite a bit about people.

(a) The test consists of ten inkblots with bilateral symmetry.
(b) The Rorschach test is called a test, a test in which it is assumed that what
the subject says he or she perceives the blots to be are in fact reflections of unconscious

(c) stimuli are stimuli that can be perceived two or more ways.
Answers: (a) Rorschach; (b) projective; (c) Ambiguous.

The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)also consists of a set of cards,
nineteen with pictures and one blank. Like the Rorschach, the TAT is a projec-
tive test. The pictures portray people, sometimes in situations with others and
sometimes alone. The pictures can be interpreted in two or more ways, and so
are considered to be ambiguous stimuli. The key instructions are, “Tell me a
story about what you see in this card. The story should have a beginning, a mid-
dle, and an end. Also, tell me what the person or people are thinking and feel-
ing.” In the case of the blank card, the subject is asked to first imagine a picture.
First published in 1938, the TAT was developed by the Harvard psychologist
Henry A. Murray.
The word apperceptionmeans “subconscious perception.” You will recall
that in psychoanalytical theory the subconscious, or preconscious, level is closer to
actual consciousness than is the unconscious level.
An analysis of a subject’s stories tends to reveal his or her primary motivational
dispositions. A profile with highs and lows emerges, revealing motivational levels
associated with such psychological needs as achievement, power, affiliation, and
self-abasement (see chapter 7).

(a) What test consists of a set of nineteen cards with pictures and one blank card?

(b) The word means “subconscious perception.”

Answers: (a) The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT); (b) apperception.


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