Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
doctors. Clinical psychologists have doctoral degrees in psychology, not medicine.
Consequently, in most states they cannot prescribe drugs of any kind.

(a) The three basic kinds of antidepressant agents are tricyclic agents, monoamine oxidase
(MAO) inhibitors, and.

(b) Mood-stabilizing agents are used primarily to treat cyclothymia and

(c) , a natural mineral salt, is the best known mood-stabilizing agent.
Answers: (a) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs); (b) bipolar; (c) Lithium


  1. What therapies are based on the assumption that mental disorders are caused
    by emotional conflicts, maladaptive learning, cognitive errors, or similar behav-
    ioral processes?
    a. Psychologically based therapies
    b. Biologically based therapies
    c. Drug therapies
    d. Hormone therapies

  2. What is the principal “digging” tool used by psychoanalysis?
    a. The interpretation of dreams
    b. The interpretation of slips of the tongue
    c. Unmasking of the ego defense mechanisms
    d. Free association

  3. According to Freud, what aspect of a dream contains a forbidden wish?
    a. The manifest level
    b. The latent level
    c. The conscious content
    d. Its ego-oriented features

  4. What feature of client-centered therapy is associated with the concept that
    the client needs to be respected as a person even if he or she speaks of moral
    lapses or irresponsible behavior?
    a. Empathy
    b. Congruence of the two selves
    c. Unconditional positive regard
    d. Active listening

Therapy: Helping Troubled People 243
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