Aaronson, Elliot, 248
A-B-C-D system, rational-emotive
behavior therapy, 239
abnormal behavior
defined, 214–215
viewpoints on, 225–226
abnormal psychology, 212–230
anxiety disorders, 216–218
classification of mental disorders,
dissociative disorders, 219–220
mood disorders, 220–221
organic mental disorders, 224–225
personality disorders, 223–224
psychotic disorders, 221–223
public health problem, 213
somatoform disorders, 218–219
accepting-rejecting dimension,
parental style, 169
achievement, need for, acquired
motives, 96
acquired motives, 95–97
acrophobia, anxiety disorders, 217
acting out, unconscious motivation,
behavior, psychology definition, 2
emotion, 110–111
social psychology, 248
activating event, rational-emotive
behavior therapy, 239
active listening, client-centered ther-
apy, 236
activity drive, 94
Adler, Alfred, 200, 201–202
adolescent psychology, defined,
adrenal glands, function of, 40–41
adrenalin, function of, 41
adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(ACTH), function of, 40
affected by feelings-emotionally sta-
ble, bipolar traits, sixteen per-
sonality factor theory, 195
affectional drive, 95
affective component, social attitude,
afferent nerves, function of, 33
affiliation, need for, acquired
motives, 96
ego defense mechanisms, 198
need for, acquired motives, 97
testosterone, 41
agoraphobia, anxiety disorders, 217
alarm reaction, 113
alcohol amnestic disorder, organic
mental disorders, 224
algorithm, thinking, 124–125
Alzheimer’s disease, organic mental
disorders, 225
perception, 63
social psychology, 254
ambiguous stimuli, Rorschach test,
ambiversion, personality theory, 195
American Psychiatric Association
(APA), 183, 184, 215
American Psychological Association
(APA), 7, 84, 95, 235
alcohol amnestic disorder, 224
psychogenic, dissociative disorders,
amorality, moral development, 167
amyloid plaques, Alzheimer’s disease,
anal intercourse
pederasty, 182
sodomy, 183
analogy, logical thinking, 130
anal stage, psychosexual develop-
ment, 158
anhedonia (ahedonia), limbic system,
affectional drive, 95
experimental psychology, 12
insight learning, 83
latent learning, 82–83
psychology definition, 2
anthropology, behavior, 20
anthropomorphic thinking, cognitive
development, 165
antianxiety agents, 241–242
antidepressant agents, 242
antipsychotic agents, 241
antiquity, 2–3, 4, 108, 109, 218–219
antisocial behavior
learning, consciousness and, 82
social psychology, 254
antisocial personality disorder, 223
anxiety, chronic, extent of, 213
anxiety disorders, abnormal psychol-
ogy, 216–218
apathy, of bystander, social psychol-
ogy, 257
appeal to authority
logical thinking, 130–131
persuasion, 252–253
appeal to emotion, persuasion, 253
appeal to reason, persuasion, 253
apperception, Thematic Appercep-
tion Test (TAT), 206
approach-approach conflict, 115
approach-avoidance conflict, 116
a priori information, scientific
method, 18
archetypes, collective unconscious,
personality theory, 200–201
arguing in circles, logical thinking,
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