Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1
Aristotle, 2, 109, 166, 193, 248
art of persuasion, social psychology,
Asimov, Isaac, 198
association neurons, function of, 33
attack on character, logical thinking,
attention, functionalism, 6
attention process, perception, 63
Attila the Hun, 193
change of, persuasion, 252–254
social psychology, 251–252
attraction, interpersonal, social psy-
chology, 249–251
attribution theory, interpersonal
attraction, 250–251
auditory nerve, hearing, 50
authoritarian-permissive dimension,
parental style, 168
authority, appeal to
logical thinking, 130–131
persuasion, 252–253
autism, infantile, affectional drive, 95
autokinetic effect, social psychology,
automatic thoughts, cognitive ther-
apy, 239
autonomic nervous system, function
of, 34–35
conscious individual, 204
need for, acquired motives, 96
social psychology, 254
autonomy versus shame, psychosocial
development, 161
avoidance-avoidance conflict, 115
axis, mental disorder classification,
axon, 30, 33

bad habits, behavior therapy, 237
balance, sensation, 53–54
balance theory, social psychology,
Bandura, Albert, 81, 82, 203
Bard, Philip, 111
Barrymore, John, 203–204
basilar membrane, hearing, 50
battle fatigue, group therapy, 240

Baumrind, Diane, 168
B-complex vitamins, organic mental
disorders, 224
Beck, Aaron, 239
abnormal, defined, 214–215
behaviorism, 7
biology and, 30–44 (See also
personality and, 192–193
psychology definition, 2
social psychology, 248
study of, 8–11
behavioral aspect, emotion, 110
behavioral component, social atti-
tude, 252
behavioral tendency, learning, 73
behavior control, psychology goals,
behaviorism, classical schools, 7
behavior modification, behavior
therapy, 238
behavior therapy, 237–238
bell-shaped curve, intelligence test-
ing, 144
belongingness, hierarchy of needs,
Berlin, Irving, 62
sexual variance, 181
sodomy, 183
bias, survey method, 22
bile, humors, type-trait theories, 193
Binet, Alfred, 140
Binet-Simon Scale, 140–141
binocular vision, depth perception, 65
biogenetic disorder, schizophrenia,
biological drives
Freudian personality theory, 196
motive, 92–93
sexuality, 175
biologically based therapies,
described, 232–233
biological viewpoint
abnormal behavior, 225
behavior, 9
biology, 30–44
brain, 35–39
endocrine system, 39–41

nervous system, 34–35
neurons, 30–34
reproductive, developmental psy-
chology, 155–157
biometric method, intelligence test-
ing, 140
bipolar disorder, mood disorders, 221
bipolar trait, personality theory, 195
bitter taste, 51
black bile, humors, type-trait theo-
ries, 193
Bleuler, Eugen, 222
blood, humors, type-trait theories,
Broca’s area, function of, 38
depth perception, 65
function of, 35–38
hemispheres of, 38–39
neurons in, 33
thalamic theory, emotion, 111
brain stem, function of, 36
Breuer, Josef, 8, 20, 219
structuralism, 5
vision, 49
bystander apathy, social psychology,

camphoric smell, 53
Cannon, Walter B., 92, 111
Cannon-Bard theory (thalamic the-
ory), emotion, 111
case study method, research methods,
Cattell, Raymond B., 195–196
cell assembly, perception, 62
central nervous system, function of,
cerebellum, function of, 36
cerebral cortex, function of, 37–38
change of stimulation, curiosity
drive, 94
character, attack on, logical thinking,
child psychology, defined, 154
chivalry, courtly love, 185
choleric personality, 193
chromosomal anomaly, reproductive
biology, 155

264 Index

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