266 Index
defensiveness, marriage instability,
deficiency motivation, hierarchy of
needs, 101
perception, 63
psychotic disorders, 221–223
delusional disorder, psychotic disor-
ders, 222–223
dementia of the Alzheimer’s type,
organic mental disorders,
dementia praecox, psychotic disor-
ders, 222
democratic style, parental style, 170
demonology, abnormal behavior,
demoralization, idealization-frustra-
tion-demoralization (IFD)
syndrome, 186
dendrite, neurons, 30
denial of reality, ego defense mecha-
nisms, 197–198
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), repro-
ductive biology, 156
dependent variable, experimental
method, 25
depersonalization disorder, dissocia-
tive disorders, 220
depolarization, neurons, 33
biological viewpoint, 9
cognitive viewpoint, 10
extent of, 213
infantile, psychosocial develop-
ment, 161
melancholic personality, 193
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), 207
mood disorders, 220–221
depth perception, 65–66
Descartes, René, 39, 121
description, psychology goals, 3
despair versus integrity, psychosocial
development, 162–163
developmental psychologist, defined,
developmental psychology, 153–173
defined, 154
Erikson’s theory, 160–163
Freudian theory, 157–160
Kohlberg’s theory, 166–168
parental style, 168–170
Piaget’s theory, 163–166
reproductive biology, 155–157
deviation, abnormal behavior, 214
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders(DSM-IV),
Dickens, Charles, 193
diffusion hypothesis, social psychol-
ogy, 256–257
discrimination, learning, 76
discrimination stimulus, operant con-
ditioning, 80
disjunctive concept, thinking, 123
disorganized type schizophrenia, psy-
chotic disorders, 222
dissociative disorders, 219–220
dissociative identity disorder (DID),
divergent thinking, creative thinking,
divorce, romantic love, 186
dominance, need for, acquired
motives, 97
neurotransmitters, 32–33
schizophrenia, 225
double approach-avoidance conflict,
double bind, conflict, 115
Down’s syndrome, 9, 155
dream analysis, psychodynamic ther-
apy, 234
drive reduction theory, 93
drives. Seebiological drives; forces
drug therapy, described, 233,
dyspareunia, sexual dysfunction,
dysthymia, mood disorders, 220
hearing, 50
semicircular canals, balance, 54
ear drum, hearing, 50
eclecticism, viewpoints, 11
ectoderm, reproductive biology, 156
ectomorph, personality theory, 194
Edison, Thomas Alva, 131–132
efferent nerves, function of, 33
Freudian personality theory, 196,
psychoanalysis, 8
egocentrism, cognitive development,
ego defense mechanisms, Freudian
personality theory, 197–199.
See alsodefense mechanisms
ego ideal, Freudian personality the-
ory, 197
Einstein, Albert, 21, 132
Electra complex, psychosexual devel-
opment, 159
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 241
electromagnetic spectrum, vision,
electromagnetic wave, vision, 47
Ellis, Albert, 238, 239
embryo, reproductive biology, 156
emergent needs, hierarchy of needs,
emotion, 107–119
appeal to, persuasion, 253
conflict, 114–117
defined, 108–110
endocrine system, 39–41
stress and health, 112–114
theories of, 110–112
emotional states, behavior, psychol-
ogy definition, 2
empathy, client-centered therapy, 236
empiricism, scientific method, 18
encoding, memory, 85
encounter groups, group therapy,
end foot, neurons, 31
endocrine system
biological drives, 93
function of, 37, 39–41
endoderm, reproductive biology, 156
endomorph, personality theory, 194
heredity and, intelligence,
intelligence, 138
epilepsy, 241
epinephrine, function of, 40–41
epistemology, 163
erectile disorder, male sexual dys-
function, 179
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