Waves a little longer than 750 nanometers are called infra-red rays.Waves a
little shorter than 400 nanometers are called ultra-violet rays.Both of these
kinds of waves are invisible to the naked eye.
(a) The part of the electromagnetic spectrum we see is called the.
(b) Waves 750 nanometers in length are associated with what color?
Answers: (a) visible spectrum; (b) Red.
Light is necessary for vision, but it is not sufficient. In order to see it is neces-
sary to have a sense organ that can convert light waves into useful neurological
information. This organ is, of course, the eye. In the front of the eye is the
cornea,a kind of window that allows light to enter the eye. Because the cornea
has a convex shape, it also is somewhat responsible for bending light waves and
making them converge on the lens.
The lensis used to focus light waves, and it produces an inverted, or upside-
down, image on the retina. The retinais a photosensitive neurological structure.
Think of it as a target. The center of the target is called the fovea,and it plays a
dominant role in visual acuity and color vision. The outer rim of the target, the
periphery,plays an important part in signal detection and brightness vision. The
neurons in the retina are called photoreceptorsbecause they are light sensitive.
The optic nerveconveys the retina’s activity pattern to the brain.
The two kinds of photoreceptors are the cones and the rods. They have been
given these names because of the shapes of their cell bodies. The conesare
located primarily in the fovea. The rodsare located primarily in the periphery. As
already indicated, color vision is associated with the fovea, suggesting that the
cones have a lot to do with this particular quality of sensation.
(a) The retina is a photosensitive.
(b) The two kinds of photoreceptors in the retina are the.
Answers: (a) neurological structure; (b) rods and cones.
A leading theory of color vision is the trichromatic theory.This theory is
also known as the Young-Helmholtz theory in honor of the scientists who first
introduced it. The trichromatic theory hypothesizes that we have three kinds of
cones. These are differentially sensitive to three wavelengths of light: (1) 750
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 rays
Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
The visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.