Psychology: A Self-Teaching Guide

(Nora) #1


Answers: (a) Storage; (b) working memory; (c) Long-term memory.

Retrievalof cognitive information takes place when a memory is removed
from storage and replaced in consciousness. Three phenomena are of particular
interest in connection with the retrieval process: recall, recognition, and repression.
Recalltakes place when a memory can be retrieved easily by an act of will. You
see a friend and think, “There’s Paula.” You have recalled the name of your friend.
Recognitiontakes place when the retrieval of a memory is facilitated by the
presence of a helpful stimulus. A multiple-choice test that provides four names,
one of them being the correct answer, is an example of an instructional instru-
ment that eases the path of memory. The item to be remembered is right there in
front of you.
Repressiontakes place when the ego, as a form of defense against a psycho-
logical threat, forces a memory into the unconscious domain. This is a psychoan-
alytical concept, and it was proposed by Freud. He suggested that memories
associated with emotionally painful childhood experiences are likely to be
repressed (see chapter 13).

(a) takes place when a memory can be retrieved easily by an act of will.

(b) takes place when the retrieval of a memory is facilitated by the presence
of a helpful stimulus.

(c) takes place when the ego, as a form of defense against psychological
threat, forces a memory into the unconscious domain.

Answers: (a) Recall; (b) Recognition; (c) Repression.


  1. The unconditioned reflex is
    a. a kind of behavior acquired by experience
    b. always associated with voluntary behavior
    c. a learned response pattern
    d. an inborn response pattern

  2. What takes place when the conditioned stimulus is presented a number of
    times without the unconditioned stimulus?
    a. Forgetting
    b. Extinction
    c. Discrimination
    d. Stimulus generalization

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