The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Tiffany:    “Can    I   borrow  your    camera?”

Anna:   “What   do  you need    it  for?    What’s  going   on? It’s
5 a.m., what you need a video camera for? You murder

Tiffany:    “I  just    need    it.”

Anna:   “Why    do  you sound   like    that?”

Tiffany:    “I  just    smoked  cigarettes.”

Anna:   “Why    are you smoking cigarettes?”

Tiffany:     “ͳis    motherfucker    scratched   my  face,   and     I
found his videotape in the dumpster and I just hope I

Anna:    “What   does    that    have    to  do  with    cigarettes?
What is going on?”

Tiffany:     “Anna,  look    .   .   .   you     want    weed?   I’ll    get     you
some weed if you let me borrow that camera.”

Anna:   “Okay,  yeah.   Bring   me  some    weed,   and I’ll    bring
my camera.”

I got the weed and went over to Anna’s. I guess I was in
worse shape than I realized.

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