The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I took oĉ running out of the apartment, because I mgured
he might try to do something. When you ruin a black man’s
shoes, you never know what’s going to happen.
But then I stopped running. I realized he wasn’t going to
do anything. Besides being a coward—which he was—he
was not about to track shit all through his mama’s house,
Once I got outside, I could hear him yelling, screaming
from his balcony, being all hysterical.

Titus:   “YOU    A   DIRTY   BITCH!!     YOU     A   NASTY,

Later   that    day,    his mom called  me.

Mom:    “Why    would   you shit    in  his shoe?”

Tiffany:    “I  hate    your    son.    I   fucking hate    him.    I   mean,   I
love him, but I hate him. He’s a fucking loser. He’s a
shitty-ass motherfucker. He wanna drag me through
shit? Then he can walk in it, too!”

Mom:    “Girl,  you fucking crazy.  Something   wrong   with
you. You have a mental problem.”

Tiffany:     “I  didn’t  have    no  mental  problem     until   I   met
your raggedy-ass son.”

Mom:     “And    he  got     shit    all     over    my  carpet,     how     am  I
going to clean this up?”
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