The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

Boy, I was fucking HOT. I hung up the phone and went
to go see my girl Anna. She flipped it on me.

Anna:    “Stop   arguing     with    that    bitch   and     start   fucking
working that bitch. She’s stupid, so use it to work that

Tiffany:    “I  don’t   even    know    what    that    means,  Anna.”

Anna:   “You    just    as  dumb    as  her!    Listen, be  nice.   Turn
her against him. Take his ho from him. Without no ho,
he ain’t no pimp.”

I thought about that shit all night. ͳe next day, I called

Tiffany:     “Hey,   I’m     not     calling     to  argue   with    you     or
anything. I totally get what I did was kind of out of
order or whatever, but really, I don’t want no beef or
no problems.”

Bertha: “That’s nice    to  hear,   thank   you,    Tiffany.”

Tiffany:    “I’ve   been    thinking    about   what    you said,   and I
just want to know. How are you out here giving up
your body and not making any money oĉ of it? It just
don’t make no sense to me.”

We  started talking,    and I   asked   her a   bunch   of  questions.
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