The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
okay,    you    don’t    know    what    you’re  doing.  I’m     seer-ee-
us, very seer-ee-us, Tiff-a-Knee.”

He smelled real good. Whatever it was, it was good, and
it was kinda getting me horny.
I did not realize it at the time, but thinking back on it, I
am pretty sure he was wearing the same cologne that Titus
used to wear. He must have actually went and smelled that
motherfucker, now that I think about it.
He did smell good, though. Except his breath smelled like
corn chips, but that was normal for Roscoe.
“Whatever, Roscoe, you smell all good and stuĉ,” I said
and leaned in again to give him another kiss.
He wasn’t kidding with that warning. Roscoe took that
third kiss as his cue, and he straight went to work. He
grabbed my face with that strong hand, and he started
tonguing me down. Next thing I knew, all my clothes were
oĉ, he was stroking my face with his strong hand, still
kissing me, while he’s putting on a condom with that little
I was like, Oh shit! ͷis motherfucker’s a professional
fucker. Here I was, all proud of myself, thinking I was mxing
to be his mrst. Yeah, I was mxing to blow his mind, but hell
no! He’s been fucking all kinds of handicapped bitches or
something, nurses or whoever, because ain’t no virgin on
Earth have skills like this.
He mnally got his T. rex arm to put the condom on, and
he moved in. And yes, I know what you’re going to ask:
He had dick for days.

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