The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

my pussy! I got a magical unicorn pussy!
I got all sweet and turned to him.

Tiffany:     “Roscoe,    you     were    so  good,   you     want
something to drink, baby?”

Roscoe: “Yeah,  baby,   I’d love    something   to  drink.”

I walked to the kitchen, and for real in my twenty-two-
year-old brain, I honestly thought to myself, I fucking healed
this guy. I made him healthy. ͷis is the greatest ghetto fairy
tale ever.
I poured him a nice, cold glass of water, and I stopped in
the bathroom to mx my hair and look good for my newly
healed man.

Tiffany:    “Here   you go, baby,   here’s  your    water.”

Roscoe: “Tank   youuu,  Tiff-a-Knee.”

Oh, hell no! It wore off!
My magical pussy power is only temporary!
I was seriously depressed. I honestly thought for a
second my pussy had powers and that I turned this
incredibly sweet handicapped man into a normal boyfriend
(except for that one arm, but still). Yes, I know that’s fucking
nonsense, but I thought it.
Oh, well. He may not be healed, but handicapped or not,
he can still fuck.
I was oĉ work the next day and the day after that, so I

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