The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I told her what happened, the whole story. ͳen she got
all mad at me:

Friend:  “You    never   told    no  one     that?   If  you     don’t   talk
about that onstage, you wrong! You have to go talk
about that, because handicapped people need love—
they need love too, they people.”

Tiffany:     “Yeah,  I   know.   I   know    I’m     going   to  heaven,
too. Roscoe taught me that.”

Friend: “What   do  you mean    you know    you’re  going   to

Tiffany:    “Because    I   fucked  Roscoe. Roscoe  is  probably
an angel, a fallen angel. I feel like Roscoe was like the
John Travolta character in the movie Michael. He
came to earth to teach me to be humble and that all
people need love no matter who or what they are.
Because I fucked him, that’s why he disappeared.
ͳat’s why we don’t see him no more, because he
went back to heaven. Only a heavenly dick could fuck
me the way Roscoe did.”

She kinda paused, and then we both broke out laughing.
She told me:

Friend: “Well   .   .   .   I   don’t   know    about   all that.   But still,
you gotta talk about this. You gotta tell the world
about your handicapped angel.”
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