The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

dude working, you could tell he was touched. He was
smiling all big and got wide eyes and he came up to us all

Touched  Worker:     “Y’all  need    help?   I   help    you,    I   help

He was real nice and trying to be helpful, but my ex
comes barging between us:

Ex-Boyfriend:   “You    stand   back,   Tiĉany. ͳank    you sir,
we’re good. You can go away now.”

Touched Worker:  “OK     cool,   if  you     need    help,   you     ask

ͳat guy was so nice, and my ex was kind of mean to

Ex-Boyfriend:    “I  know    you     want    to  fuck    that
motherfucker, don’t you Tiĉany? I can tell by the way
you’re smiling at him. Stop smiling goddam it. I can’t
leave you nowhere. You wanna fuck this handicapped
dude, I know you would.”

Tiffany:    “I  might,  I   might.”

I   was kidding—obviously—but   he  got all angry   again.

Ex-Boyfriend:    “So     you     like    that    in  a   guy?    If  Tyson
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