The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Ex-Husband: “I’ll   come    see you right   now.”

Tiffany:    “Yeah,  right.  You ain’t   coming  to  see me.”

We got oĉ the phone, and I went back to drinking and
didn’t think nothing of it. I woke up at mve in the morning to
start getting ready for the movie. I was hungover and
getting ready to go to set. I was braiding my hair in these
little crackhead braids, so I could play this drug addict in
the movie. I got a knock on my door. I thought, I didn’t
order no food.
I opened the door, and there was a chubby, plain-looking
guy in a polo shirt, just staring at me like he was expecting
me to say something.

Tiffany:    “Who    are you?”

Ex-Husband: “It’s   me. It’s    Ex-Husband.”

Tiffany:     “How    do  you     know    what    room    I’m     in?     How
did you know to come here?”

Ex-Husband:  “I  just    looked  you     up.     It’s    not     hard.   I
called the front desk, they said what room you’re in.
Here I am.”

ͳat motherfucker drove seven hours. He drove all the
way from Atlanta for me. And all I’m thinking to myself is,
ͷis motherfucker is ugly. He’s fat. He is not hot, and he is
just not very attractive.

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