The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

ͳen as soon as we got married, he had all kinds of
demands on me around taking care of his son.

Ex-Husband:  “You    need    to  go  to  the     PTA     meetings.
You need to pick up the kid and take him to soccer.”

Tiffany:    “Can    he  go  home    to  his mom for six months,
so I can learn how to just be a wife for a little bit? Can
I just learn how to do that part for a little bit? ͳen
he can come back, and then I can assume the mommy
role? Because this is stressful.”

I loved the little boy, but I was instantly being thrown
into this mommy role. And honestly, it made me feel like I
was nine years old again, taking care of somebody, trying to
do my thing, too. I was trying to learn how to be a wife and
be a loving partner and all this also.
I was confused as fuck. ͳat was a lot for me, because I
was also trying to do my comedy. I was trying to do this for
real. And then he told me he don’t want me talking about
his son onstage, but his son is funny as hell. He’s doing
really crazy, funny stuĉ, and I really want to talk about it,
and he tells me don’t talk about him? ͳen he tried to tell
me not to talk about him, either. But my whole world was
those two. What else am I going to talk about?
ͳere was all kinds of stress like that. Basically, he was
trying to shrink my world down, until it was nothing but
him and his needs. But I wasn’t about to let that happen,
and I didn’t see what he was doing at the time.

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