the morning, he was gone. All his stuff was gone.
During this time in my life, I had dedicated myself to
becoming a better wife, so I had started studying with
Jehovah’s Witnesses. He liked that.
Ex-Husband: “Yeah, I’ll never be a Jehovah’s Witness,
but you should be one, because they know how to be
submissive. ͳey’re submissive to their men. ͳey do
whatever their men tell them to do, so that’s what you
should do.”
ͳe Jehovah’s Witnesses do Bible study on Skype. When
I got back to my hotel room at nine in the morning, they hit
me up on Skype for our regular Bible study.
JW: “What happened to you?”
I hadn’t even looked at myself, and when I saw myself on
the Skype . . . I saw there was a knot on my forehead, there
were all these welt marks across my throat.
Tiffany: “Oh man. My husband came out here, we got
into it, he choked me.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in divorce. Not for
any reason. They were all like:
JW: “You need to get a divorce. You have to get out of