The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

ͳen the lady leading the Bible study calls her husband.
Her husband’s an elder, but she gets him on Skype right

JW:  “Look   at  Tiĉany.     Look    at  her.    She     needs   to  get     a
divorce. Don’t you think?”

He is an elder, he is big-time. At mrst, he started oĉ with
the normal lines:

Elder:   “Nobody     gets    divorced.   We  could   talk    through
this. You could work it out.”


He  got real    quiet.  Then    he  said    in  a   solemn  voice:

Elder:   “You    have    to  get     a   divorce.    When    you     come
back from Montreal, you’re staying with us. You have
to get a divorce. You cannot be in a relationship like
this. ͳis is not going to work, Tiĉany. ͳis man is
not godly.”

ͳey started reading all the Bible scriptures to me about
it. I was crying and stuĉ, and I had a show to do in a few

Tiffany:    “I  really  need    to  take    a   nap.    I   got a   show.”

I   went    to  sleep.
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