The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

But now, shit was diĉerent. I was done taking this. I was
ready to commit murder. I was ready to kill. I got in my car
and left the house, and I drove to the police station.
First the police station was closed when I got there. I’m
like, What the fuck? How can a police station be closed?
ͳey had an emergency phone outside the front door, so
I picked it up:

Operator:   “Yes?   May I   help    you?”

Tiffany:     “I’m    about   to  kill    somebody.   I’m     about   to
commit motherfucking murder.”

Operator:   “Excuse me?”

Tiffany:     “I’m    out     here    at  the     police  station.    Y’all   need
to lock me up, because I’m about to kill my husband. If
y’all don’t lock me up right now, there’s gonna be a
dead body.”

Operator:   “Where  are you?”

Tiffany:     “I’m    outside     the     police  station,    so  y’all   could
lock me up, ’cause I’m about to make a murder.”

Operator:    “Don’t  go  anywhere.   I’m     gonna   have    one     of
the officers come out.”

The policeman   comes   out.
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