The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Police: “Ma’am, what    happened    to  you?    Are you okay?”

Tiffany:    “I’m    fine.   I’m just    fine.”

Police: “Do you need    us  to  call    you an  ambulance?”

Tiffany:     “No,    I’m     just    mne.    I’m     about   to  go  make

Police: “You’re gonna   what?”

Tiffany:    “Make   a   murder.”

Police: “Okay.  Calm    down.   Tell    us  what    happened.”

So I tell him and his partner what happened. ͳe whole
time, they were looking me up and down.

Police:  “Okay   .   .   .   you     do  realize     that    you’re  very

Tiffany:     “I  am  mne.    I   am  just    mne.    I’m     telling     you,    you
need to put me in a jail cell, because I hit that
motherfucker with a pool stick, and I’m gonna go back
and kill him, if y’all don’t lock me up. I’m going to
commit murder. I’m gonna go to the hood, get a gun,
and I’m gonna kill that motherfucker.”

Police: “Ma’am, you need    an  ambulance.  You are hurt.”
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