Finally the police decided to go to my house.
Police: “Look, we have to go see him. If he’s injured, if
he has damage on him, then you may end up in jail.”
Tiffany: “You might as well take me there now. You
might as well just start taking my mngerprints now,
because I’mma kill that motherfucker.”
ͳey took me to the hospital, and went to get him. ͳe
police told me later that he was in the house with the door
wide open. He was sitting there with his shirt oĉ, watching
a football game. He knew they were coming. ͳe police
arrested him, ’cause all he had was one bite mark on his
wrist. I don’t even remember biting him. He didn’t have no
other marks on him. Nothing.
Tiffany: “No. I hit him with a pool stick, y’all. It should
be a big ol’ bruise across his back. I hit him with that
pool stick as hard as I could.”
Police: “Ma’am . . . he was fine.”
ͳey arrested him. ͳen his whole family started calling
me. They asked me to bail him out.
Mama: “He wants to know if you’ll bail him out.”
Tiffany: “I’m not bailing him out! No. I’m getting a
restraining order and everything. You crazy if you