again. I know he can be a better person. We just got to get
some counseling. We can get through this. We got to do
this together. We just got to work together. No relationship
is easy. It’s just work. We just gotta work at it.
I didn’t act on these thoughts. I just had them, all
through the divorce (which was quick and easy and
painless) and afterwards.
After the divorce . . . everything sucked.
I was single now, but I didn’t want to be out there dating.
Dudes would try to talk to me, but I just wanted my
husband. That’s all I wanted.
During this time that we were apart, his son went into
foster care. Why that happened isn’t part of my story, but it
did happen.
He was in the foster system for six months.
ͳis really hit me hard. I was in the foster system, I knew
how terrible it was. Even though I was divorced from his
dad, I was actively trying to help get him out of there. I
wanted him to be with his mom or even with me. I even
helped his mom to fly out, and I was driving her around.
When I think back about it, I was so fucking stupid with
that. ͳat whole situation drove me back toward my ex. It’s
just my opinion, but I’m convinced he used that situation—
that his son was in foster care, and the guilt he knew that
would cause with me—to try to get me back with him. He
knew I’d been in foster care, he knew I would not be able to
resist helping his son, and that it would bring me back
around him more.
And it worked.