The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

pounds, at least.

Fats:   “Yes    I   do, I   surf.”

Tiffany:    “Wow.   I   bet you be  looking like    a   sea lion    out
there in that wet suit and everything.”

Fats:   “What’chu   talkin’ ’bout?  I   got my  own line    of  wet
suits and my own line of surfboards.”

Tiffany:    “Is they    plus-sized? That    would   make    sense.”

Fats:   “NO!    THEY    AIN’T   NO  DAMN    PLUS-SIZED!”

Tiffany:     “Wow.   ͳat’s   pretty  amazing.    You     know,   I
surf too. I take kids surfing every summer.”

Fats:    “Oh,    maybe   I’ll    donate  some    surfboards.     Here’s
my number. Give me a call sometime.”

So I gave him a call, but every time I called him about
the surfboards and stuff, he don’t want to talk about that:

Fats:   “So you think   we  can go  out to  dinner? What    do
you like to do for fun?”

Tiffany:     “You    trying  to  date    me  or  give    me  the
surfboards? I want the surfboards, I don’t want to date
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