The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

again, make me as funny as possible in this one moment, so
I can shut this motherfucker up.
I did mfteen minutes, demolished it. I got a standing
ovation, six people stood up for me, it was great. I came oĉ
the stage, and all the comedians were clapping. ͳey had
heard Cry Baby and me yelling at each other back and forth
in the VIP area upstairs. So when I came oĉ, they were all
clapping for me like, “Yeah, nigga, you killed that, you did
that, girl,” and I was like, Yeah I did. And it was his turn to
go up next.

Cry Baby:   “I  can’t   believe this    shit.   You making  me  eat
my words.”

Tiffany:     “Yep.   Eat     them.   Eat     them    up  like    you     eat     all
them free sandwiches.”

So then he went up onstage and he bombed, bad. And
then he came back upstairs. He came up, gave me a big ol’
hug, he was like:

Cry  Baby:   “Man    I   am  so  sorry,  Tiĉany.     Obviously
somebody tried to teach me a lesson.”

Tiffany:    “Yep.   God trying  to  teach   you today.”

Ever since then, we have been cool. You know how you
can tell somebody can’t stand you, but you’re undeniable, so
they can’t really hate? ͳat’s how it has been ever since. So
when I see him, he’s always cool, like:

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