The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
money   when    we  get to  the hotel.”

But we  didn’t  go  to  a   hotel.

Promoter:   “Okay,  we  got to  go  to  a   casino  right   quick,
and then I’m gonna take y’all to the hotel.”

So we at the casino, he buys us some drinks and runs oĉ,
and the next thing we know, it’s mve o’clock in the morning,
our flight’s supposed to leave at 7 a.m.

Promoter:   “Aw man,    can I   write   you a   check?”

He was a reputable promoter, so we said, “Yeah okay,
write us a check.” So he wrote us a check, dropped us oĉ at
the airport. He had printed out our return tickets home. We
went to check in, ain’t no ticket, ain’t no flight, nothing.
ͳere’s nothing for us to get home. So we start calling,
we blowing up his phone:

Promoter:    “What   do  you     mean,   there’s     no  ticket?
There’s a ticket.”

Tiffany:    “Motherfucker   we  are not calling you because
we want to talk. THERE’S NO FUCKING TICKET.
You sure we at the right airline?”

Promoter:    “YES!   My  homegirl    work    at  Southwest,  she
sets me up, she do everything, that’s the only airline I
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