The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

Will:   “Hahahahahahaha.    You’re  crazy,  Tiffany.”

Tiffany:     “I  might   be.     I   might   be  crazy.  Or  maybe   I’m
just high as fuck.”

Getting a Hollywood Assistant

Another thing Jada and Will talked to me about was getting
an assistant. They insisted that I hire one.
ͳey explained that having an assistant—giving
somebody else the responsibility of the smaller things, the
day-to-day things that you would normally do—helps you to
be more focused on your art and your talent:

Jada:    “Tiĉany,    you     shouldn’t   have    to  be  running     the
dogs to the groomer’s or taking clothes to the dry
cleaner’s. ͳat’s an assistant’s job. ͳey should be
helping you with that.”

Tiffany:    “Really?”

Jada:    “Yes!   You     need    peace   and     quiet   for     your    art.
Your assistant should be screening calls so you don’t
have to be talking to everybody, because you need
your peace. It’s very important to have your peace.”

Tiffany:    “I  like    peace   and quiet.”
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