The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

sex that night, I tell you what. He thought it was funny that
they wanted to fuck him.

Boyfriend:  “You    should  have    let them    try.    I   would   have
put them on blast so bad.”

The next day, Hollywood Friend 2 saw my text and called
me. She stayed on the phone with me for two hours telling
me about how racism works in Hollywood:

Hollywood   Friend  2:  “Honey  child,  let me  explain.    First
oĉ, what a blessing that you were able to hear them
do it out loud, in your face. ͳat’s a blessing. I have
been through so many experiences where they did it
behind my back, or they just shut me down. ͳat’s
what they do. ͳey close you out. Be grateful that you
got to hear it live and see it.”

Tiffany:    “How    is  that    good?”

Hollywood    Friend  2:  “Because    now     you     know    those
two are the enemy. Now you are aware. It’s the ones
that are sweet to your face and plotting behind your
back that you have to worry about.”

Tiffany:    “Oh yeah.   I   hadn’t  thought about   it  that    way.”

Hollywood   Friend  2:  “The    thing   that’s  so  bad about   it  is
they do it to each other, too. Even worse. ͳem white
women attack each other, and they go for each other’s
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