I mean, that was like the biggest thing in the whole wide
I remember watching the video of me coming out
onstage, and it looks like I was so conmdent and so self-
assured. But inside, I was crying baby tears of joy, because
Arsenio said I was smart. I did the set, and it was a great
performance, but honestly, I don’t think I was mentally
present for any of it. I was just so . . . I don’t know. Honestly,
I was wet thinking about what he said.
When I was done, the whole crowd was cheering and
clapping, and Arsenio came over to me. In my mind, I was
about to jump on him and kiss him all over his face. But he
scooped me up and picked me up and held me like a baby!
So I guess the producer obviously told him I was going to
jump on him.
He picked me up like a baby, and I was like, oh my God—
I just started licking his face.
I couldn’t help myself. I was so happy.
Straight up—his face tastes just like Ovaltine. I think that
they use Ovaltine for his foundation because he’s so
chocolatey, I don’t know. But it tasted amazing.
I ended up being on there seven times. I came back as a
correspondent for him. I would go into the audience, and be
all over the studio, doing diĉerent funny things. And people
really loved it. But then the show got canceled shortly
ͳat was the moment that started it all and led to
everything—even this book. ͳat was where I met Tyler