The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

She came back from LA, and she gave me this nice bag, a
Givenchy. It had this huge picture of a barking dog on the
side. It was mean-looking.

Tiffany:    “What’s up  with    the dog?”

Jada:    “Oh,    I   know    you     can’t   aĉord   security,   so  this
should keep the mopes off you.”

Tiffany:    “Thank  you,    Jada,   that    is  so  sweet.”

She left the price tag on, it was like $1200. I was like, Oh
yeah! I struck gold.

Tiffany:     “Oh     my  God,    I’m     taking  this    right   to  the
pawnshop, and I’m gonna get my light bill paid for the
rest of the year.”

Jada:   “You    cannot  do  that,   that’s  bad luck.”

Tiffany:    “What   are you talking about?”

Jada:    “You’ve     got     to  use     it  for     at  least   six     months
before you can give it away. Or sell it. That is how you
have to deal with a gift.”

Tiffany:    “Oh,    that’s  what    rich    people  do?”

Jada:   “Yes    Tiffany .   .   .   it’s    what    we  do.”
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