The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Tiffany:     “Okay,  I’ll    get     a   money   order   for     $1200   in
there that’s made out to myself. ͳat way, I can
always have $1200 in my bag. For myself, and can’t
nobody steal it!”

More laughing from Jada. I don’t know if she thinks my
actual comedy is this funny.
She gave me three more Givenchys and a wallet (I was
calling it Gio-van-nucci for like, two weeks, ’cause I can
barely read, but it’s Givenchy). She left the price tags on

Tiffany:    “Why    are you leaving the prices  on  if  you got
it free?”

Jada:   “So you know    the value   of  what    you’re  carrying
around. You got to carry yourself like you’re valuable,
and you need to have valuable things. When this
movie comes out, you’re going to be an A-list actress,
you’ve got to think like an A-list person. ͳis is what I
was talking about in that text I sent you.”

Tiffany:    “What   do  you mean?   I   like    my  $85 dress.”

Jada:    “Tiĉany,    you     want    to  wear    designer    clothes,
because people are going to be seeing you, you’re
gonna be in the eye of the public and they’re gonna be
like, what are you wearing? If you say Chico or Ann
Taylor, that’s not going to work. You need to be
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