The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Tiffany:     “Wait,  watch   out.    You’re  sitting     on
Carmelita’s lap. She likes that, though. Wiggle on her.”

And they would jump up and be like, “What are you
talking about?” And then, eventually, they would become
my friends. People would be like, “You crazy. You silly. I like
you.” It worked really well for me. It’s basically how I made
it through school.
Every time we would take a test, I would turn my head
toward my shoulder, and I would be like, “Cracker want a
Polly?” I had some crackers, and I would crumble them up
on my shoulder for my imaginary bird, and people would be
laughing. Then they’d let me cheat off of them.
ͳe teacher didn’t know I was cheating though, that’s
not why she was always sending me to the principal’s oĊce.
During one test, I said:

Tiffany:     “What’s     the     answer  to  number  seven,

You know, because that was my imaginary bird’s name.
But my teacher thought I was being racist against her.

Teacher:    “You    go  straight    to  the principal’s oĊce.   You
can’t be racist in here.”

ͳis happened a few times, and everybody would laugh. I
would just tell the principal the same thing each time.

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