know and I don’t know?”
Auntie: “Well, Step-Father knew.”
Step-Father knew, and he didn’t do nothing.
ͳey wouldn’t let me see my mom for two months. ͳe
accident was real bad. Her head was open and all this stuĉ.
ͳey didn’t tell me the details, they just looked at me and
told me my mama would be mne. I would always think, If
she’s gonna be fine, why can’t I see her?
When we mnally got to see her, I was not prepared. She
looked like a monster. Her eyes were black, and she had
bandages across her head. She was swollen. Her whole body
was swollen.
She didn’t look like my mama.
She had to learn to walk again. And talk, and eat, and
everything. She did not remember any of my brothers and
sisters. She just remembered me, and she was saying things
Mom: “You look just like my daughter, Tiĉany. You
should meet my daughter. She’s only three.”
Tiffany: “I am Tiffany. I am your daughter.”
It kind of made me feel really good, because I didn’t
necessarily like my brothers and sisters that much. I felt like
she loved them way more than she loved me.
When she was in the hospital for three months, learning