The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

I was moved around a lot in that one year. By the time I was
fourteen, my grandmother got custody, but she kept us in
the system so that she could have the money to raise us.
ͳe reason I went into foster care in the mrst place was
because my mom got in a mght, and she hit a baby with a
two-by-four. For real.
It’s a long, complicated story—as crazy family stories can
be—but it boils down to this:
We had some neighbors that were all messed up, but my
mom used to talk to the lady all the time. Her husband
would always try to holler at my mom. One day, my mom
got tired of the man and told him, “You leave me alone.
Leave my kids alone.” And they ended up getting in some
kind of mght. Now mind you, this is after her accident, and
she was mentally sick, of course.
When I got home from school, there was police
everywhere. My mom was in the police car. ͳe social
worker was packing up my sisters’ and brothers’ clothes in
trash bags. She told me to get a trash bag and put my
clothes in the bag, ’cause my mom was not coming back
home. That we gonna be placed in a foster home.

Tiffany:    “Why    are you all taking  my  mom away?”

Social   Worker:     “She    got     in  a   mght    with    the     man,    and
she hit him with a two-by-four, and she accidentally
hit his baby.”

ͳe   baby    was     mne,    but     it  caused  all     of  this    ruckus.     ͳe
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