The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Bully   Girl:   “Oh,    this    bitch   is  stupid. Is  you stupid?”

So I started cracking jokes, and I’d bark like a dog. ͳey
started laughing, and then they started making fun of my

Bully    Girl:   “You    funny-looking,  do  anybody     ever    do
your hair?”

Tiffany:     “No,    I   got     Raggedy     Ann     hair.   ͳis     hair,   you
can’t comb it. It breaks combs.”

I thought that if I made these girls laugh, they wouldn’t
beat me up. ͳey’d let me be the goofy one in the crew or
something. But that didn’t really work.

Bully    Girl:   “Yeah,  they’re     about   to  lock    these   doors.
When they lock these doors, that’s it. You trapped in
here with us.”

Tiffany:     “Oh     yeah,   we’re   going   to  be  trapped?    It’s
going to be like we in an Indiana Jones movie.”

Bully   Girl:    “Ahhh   bitch,  we  is  still   going   to  beat    your
ass . . . but you funny.”

My social worker came and got me after two days and
took me to a home. It was oĉ of Normandy and 128th,
which is the hood. ͳis lady was so ghetto, but her house
was so dope.

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